Black Pink Jenny ‘extreme sexy’ without exposure

Black Pink Jenny boasted a chic charm.

Jenny posted a photo on her SNS on the afternoon of the 28th.

In the released photo, Jenny was caught on camera wearing a jumper with a haughty look and exuded an aura of unique sexiness and beauty which excites male fans.

Meanwhile Black Pink recently successfully wrapped up its first world tour of 32 performances in 23 cities on four continents. They will play their next tours in Japan.

Original post : Naver

1. [+180] [-50] Oh my god Jenny’s so cute

2. [+116] [-22] It must be nice to be so pretty

3. [+110] [-37] She’s wearing adidas [+110] [-37]

4. [+85] [-19] Jenny makes me so happy.

5. [+80] [18] She’s so beautiful

6. [+33] [4] I’m envious of whatever you wear

7. [+28] [3] Jenny is so pretty

8. [+28] [4] My eyes go crazy

9. [+21] [3] Jenny you look so cool

10. [+25] [5] Jenny is full of beauty and good talents

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Sam Lee, a journalist with a passion for K-pop, brings fresh insights to the industry through engaging articles and analysis. With a background in journalism and a love for music, Sam's writing offers readers a glimpse into K-pop culture. When not writing, Sam enjoys staying up-to-date with new releases, attending concerts, and exploring Korean pop music.

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